David M. DuBose, M.D.

Benefits for

Mount Vernon Premier Care Patients:

Annual Comprehensive Wellness Evaluation

This is a comprehensive wellness evaluation, not in connection with any illness or injury. It will include a thorough examination and an extensive array of screening tests, some of which will now likely be covered by your commercial insurance or Medicare. The preventative portion of your annual exam can be done in my office. Depending on your particular health situation, appropriate additional tests (such as additional blood tests, a colonoscopy, stress test, mammogram, etc.) may be recommended and you or your insurer will be responsible for payment of those tests.

Direct phone access to me or to my assistant, during office hours.

Phone calls will be returned promptly. However, if you deem your problem “urgent” I will make every effort to speak with you at the time of the call.

My personal cell phone number will be provided.

This will allow easy access to me for urgent medical problems that occur outside of my regular office hours.

Convenient office e-mail access for non-urgent health issues or questions.

You will receive a prompt (usually within 24 hours) response. Although our email system is HIPAA compliant and encrypted, please use discretion when choosing topics to discuss via this medium.

Same-day or next business day appointments will be offered.

With the exception of your annual exam, this feature is available even for minor and non-urgent medical problems.

Little or no office wait time, and typically longer appointments when needed.

Since I am scheduling for fewer appointments during the day, I expect all appointments to be on schedule. Additionally, annual exam appointments will be scheduled for 60 minutes or more and all others 30 minutes, allowing adequate time to answer all of your questions and address all of your concerns.

Strong focus on preventative medicine and long-term health and wellness.

My philosophy is to assess and educate you about your personal medical needs and risks. This will empower you to take an active role in managing and maintaining optimal health.

Your own personal pertinent medical information will be made accessible to you.

After your annual exam, you will be provided with an electronic version of your current medical information and data. This will allow you to have all the important information at your fingertips when you are traveling or whenever you may need it.

Care for visiting family and/or friends.

Should your family or friends become ill during a visit, I will assist with their medical care, on a case-by-case basis, at my discretion.

Quarterly newsletter on medical topics of interest.

You will receive a seasonal newsletter on medical subjects of interest. I welcome your suggestions on these topics. My hope is to help you navigate through the vast amount of available health information.

End of life counseling visits with patient and family.

We will discuss viable options, legal choices, personal issues and offer appropriate documentation for your wishes.

Our Staff:

Staff members are an important part of your experience with our office. They will not only have the expertise to advocate on your behalf, but will continue to assist in navigating through other aspects of the medical community when necessary. If you are hospitalized, I will continue to visit you on an information basis and will communicate with the attending hospitalist to ensure he/she has your most current medical information.